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Annie - The Really Wild Bunch

Hi, I'm Annie and started growing flowers years ago when my vegetable crops were a downright disaster. I am convinced that anyone can grow a cornflower, not everyone can grow an edible cauliflower. I also wanted beautiful, unusual and scented flowers in my home and couldn’t find anywhere to buy them. Where are all the seasonal flowers in colours that work together? Then I read ‘Gilding the Lily’ by Amy Stewart and never fancied buying a rose from Columbia again so had to keep growing to keep myself in flower happiness. Because flower faffing and then sitting back and just looking is an amazing way of making space for yourself and to connect with other life.

Now I grow enough to pass on the excess to other flower arrangers and this year with Jenny at Pennyclose Farm we are growing flowers for florists. We grow to the highest quality, with foliage and blooms that are varied, unique and smell amazing. I like to think we grow the slightly weird, the interesting and the kooky. But also like a sweet pea and sunflower! And all with a thought to the wider world. The carbon footprint is still there, but it’s smaller & we’re not using pesticides and herbicides. At the end of the day, flowers are just flowers, but they also have a power of calm, beauty and kindness.

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